31st May 2023
We had to have quite a long stay at Florø because we needed to have our passports stamped, which was finally possible on Tuesday morning. We had some good days in Florø though as the marina was really good. We also learned, that the reason we didn’t see Nessie in Scotland is because it has moved to Norway and can be found here. We are not going to spoil the location for you, so you have to go to Florø and look for him yourself.

Four days is a little to long in the small town though, especially when everything is closed at public holidays in Norway.
But it gave us a chance to play cards and do laundry.
Tuesday we left to the small Island Frøya because we had heard rumours of a fantastic restaurant. When we got there, we didn’t really feel for the menu so we spent the hiking and planning the next few days travel. We really need to move north now, but the Norwegian coastline is full of rocks and islands that need a bit of planning. But it is also very pretty and foggy.