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Showing: 11 - 20 of 28 RESULTS

We will take another night at Mariasundet before leaving Svalbard

Sailing at Mariannesund in Svalbard

On 10th August 2023, after leaving Barentsburg, we sailed to Mariasundet under sunny skies and mild conditions, opting for this location over windier southern regions. Despite forecasts for light wind, overnight gusts surprisingly reached over 30 knots, causing frequent anchor checks. Today, we’re holding steady in strong winds while Sarah serenades Steve with musicals in two languages, as we reminisce about sunsets.

Bear islands and a lots of birds

Approaching Bear Island

Navigating the chilly waters towards Bear Island at 74 degrees north, the duo battles exhaustion and irregular sleep during their 3-day journey. Despite fatigue, the allure of encountering whales and dolphins keeps spirits high. Groggy and disoriented, strange eating habits emerge, but Sarah’s adaptation brings hope for a better routine. Anchoring on Bear Island’s southeast side, they anticipate a windless night ahead.

A great evening in Brønnøysund

Smoothly sailing to Brønnøysund, they passed the famous Torghatten rock with its photogenic hole, though clouds obscured the view. Attempting fishing, Steve’s speedy sailing sabotaged the effort. Opting for a restaurant in Brønnøysund, a delightful evening unfolded with Saphir, featuring a four-course dinner, wine, and a jovial return to the boat.