20th July 2023
Correction from yesterday’s post: the reason why some on the mountains here are red is because of Devonian sandstone.
Since the beginning of our trip Steve has been telling about how he has worked hard perfecting a cheese scones recipe. Sarah has several times mentioned her love for a good cheese scone and her disappointment in not getting a chance to visit the little bakery in Orkney, where they make the best (in her opinion) cheese scones. (We had to skip Orkney on out trip here because the wind was better for a passage to Norway. Ahh remember the days when we thought about wind.)
Steve claims that his is better and that he will make them one day, and yesterday was another one of these days. I am just mentioning this because Steve also read the post and because he didn’t make them yesterday.

We had an interesting day planned as we were anchoring close the cabin Texas Bar named after the state of Texas in the U.S. Texas Bar can be used to shelter in and it is in very good condition. It has a little oven, a bed, a table and a lot of atmosphere from left over alcohol, some very old and weird. We didn’t know that though, but had planned to leave a bottle at the place, because it seemed suitable considering the name. It was hard for us to give up any of the bottles we had left as it is champagne for our 80 North celebration, good quality whiskey and only some bottles of wine. But we ended up taking a black current spirit.
We sailed the dinghy to land and made a thorough check of the surrounding land, so we wouldn’t get surprised by a polar bear.

The cabin is really cosy and it could have been fun spending the night there, but we hadn’t thought of that. Sarah got a chance to burn of some energy running up and down the hill to the cabin, while Steve was relaxing.
Afterwards we sailed further into the fjord to get a look at the glaciers which were very pretty. While sailing towards last night’s anchorage we saw the whales again – this time much closer.