7th June 2023
When we got into Rørvik harbour yesterday we met another boat sailing to Svalbard. This is a couple from the Netherlands who write for Yachting World and they have now been added to our chat group with boats going North.
Right across from our boat a shrimping boat was moored so we were able to get a late lunch with fresh shrimps almost at dinner time. Sarah had to get almost to the bottom of the bag of shrimps before getting a good technique for peeling the shrimps without getting shrimp brain all over the fingers.
That was ok as we were a little uncertain what to do for dinner, and the grocery shopping had to be done before anyways.

Our friends at yatch Saphir caught up with us so they invited us for a sundowner at their boat. Sundowners really need a new name when sailing in northern Norway in the ‘summer’, as the sun never really set.
We are more challenged with the weather than we had hoped. Today we had to struggle to get up and sail at 9.30, because we needed to catch the tide and the wind that supposedly exists somewhere in Norway. As we got out of harbour, very wet from the rain, we didn’t find neither tide nor wind to help us along the way. So (I feel like I am repeating myself) we had another day motoring. Rumour have told us that people who did the trip last year hardly motored, so we are very unlucky. Then it is good that we keep the spirit high and meet so many nice people along the way.