22nd August 2023
With Sarahs imminent return to her Job in Copenhagen and a flight booked we have a few days to unwind before arriving at Bodø.

We chose a beautiful protected anchorage at Hamarøy and spent the evening waiting for and watching the sunset whilst drinking a little too much wine and whiskey into the early hours, it was lucky that we had stayed up late because we were treated to a brief view of the magical Northern Lights.

Out next port of call was Herøya, perhaps the least expensive harbour of the trip where the laundry facilities were included giving us the opportunity to do a bit of a spring clean before setting sail to Bodø, it was also an opportunity for Sarah to go for a run, something she had really missed for most of our time in Svalbard.

We have developed a bit of a leak from the dripless shaft seal, probably due to the higher than expected motoring hours, and the amount of glacial silt in much of the waters around Svalbard so Steve is looking at possibly having this replaced in Norway rather than continuing directly to the UK.