11th August 2023
The forecasts look fine (or as good as they are likely to be) for going south, so now we are giving it a go. Our 4 boat group is splitting into 2: Yuma is leaving today like us and Flying Fish and Sarabande is staying for another few days.
We have decided to move forward as we feel the perfect wind for crossings (if there is such) constantly seem to be pushed forward, so today we are accepting the risk of motoring up to a day and some hours of sailing upwind.
To put in an extra challenge the Norwegian military announced two 5-day no entry zones north and south of Bjørnøya (we are glad we visited on the way north), so we are now heading towards Svovlvær or Harstad instead of Tromsø, this means a slightly longer time at sea, in fact it will be our longest passage of the year.
Steve challenged Sarah to finish the book she just started on the crossing (probably regretting it as soon as he said it), so now he can look forward to a trip where she is reading which mean she will fall asleep, while he has to do most the work!

All in all we expect it will be a great trip.

We will have connections again in 3-4 days.
So we put the bread maker on and are now ready for some tiresome days with fresh bread.